Every year, 8th graders transition into highschoolers. At the same time, 5th graders transition into middle school. This change can be a lot. Some may like the constant changing events, while others don’t.
Oliver Abernatha, 11 years old, came from Columbus after moving to Edwardsville in fourth grade. He has recently transitioned into Team 62, here at Liberty. When asked what he likes about middle school more than elementary school, he responded with, “I like switching classes. It makes sure you’re not stuck in one place all day.”
Most people do like a change of events. From sitting in the same classroom all day, to moving around every forty-five minutes. However, sometimes this can be disorienting. You now must remember eight teachers’ names, instead of only one or two. But this also does allow for more opportunities to meet new people. You now have a schedule with eight different classes, and that’s eight different groups of people for you to now meet.
When Oliver Abernatha was asked what he doesn’t like about middle school, he took a moment to think about it, then responded with, “It’s a bit harder than Columbus, but I feel like that’s normal.”