Middle Schools are normally full of quiet classrooms, lecturing teachers, and complex homework. But not on August 18, 2023. On that day, Liberty Middle School was packed with flashing lights, loud music and cheering, and colorful confetti.
The gym was filled with students that day because it was House Sorting Day. Liberty Middle School sorts their students and staff into eight houses. Those houses work together all year to earn points and complete projects.
Throughout the event, Dr. Duncan, Liberty’s principal, served as the emcee. He pumped everybody up, gave instructions, and celebrated as each student learned which house they were joining. Duncan said, “I loved seeing all the people’s faces.” There were smiles, laughs, and surprised looks as the students watched colored confetti fall down around them.
The entire event was planned by Mrs. Julie Rusk, the House Coordinator at Liberty Middle School. She got the idea for confetti from a student last year who celebrated the last day of school with a confetti canon. “There were 297 kids sorted,” said Mrs. Rusk. All those students had colored confetti tossed over their heads.
Evie Bristow is part of the House Council. The Council were in charge of tossing all the confetti. “I felt excited when I was sorting people into their houses because I wanted to know what house they were in and if they were going to be in my house,” said Bristow.
Now that all the new students are sorted into their houses, the whole school is working to earn points so that they can win the House Cup. The friendly competition encourages students to make good choices and be kind humans. Everyone is looking forward to what this year holds. Olivia Aplin, a Liberty 6th grader, said, “I think that Reveur will win because basically, Reveur is the best because I am in it.”
Protos House is hoping to defend their title in the House Cup, but all seven other houses are working to make this their year on top.